Publishing technical papers in the refereed literature and making presentations at conferences and workshops are among the vital ways in which BCMT communicates results.
In general, the corresponding or principal author is listed first. Indicating the broad collaborative nature of our work, some entries (noted in italics) have a corresponding author outside LBNL.
Strategic Documents
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Berkeley Center for Magnet Technology Strategic Framework (April 2017)
This document describes our own organization: the cross-divisional Berkeley Center for Magnet Technology (BCMT), which serves LBNL and the larger DOE community as a full-spectrum resource for both R&D and schedule- and cost-driven, project-oriented production of advanced magnet systems. |
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The 2020 Updated Roadmaps for the US Magnet Development Program.
This document describes an organization with many BCMT synergies: the LBNL-headquartered, multi-institutional, high-energy physics oriented US Magnet Development Program. The document is a follow-on to the June 2016 Program Plan described below. |
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The U.S. Magnet Development Program Plan (June 2016)
The U.S. Magnet Development Program is a multi-institutional partnership, coordinated by LBNL, to pursue the development of superconducting accelerator magnets that operate as closely as possible to the fundamental limits of superconducting materials and at the same time minimize or eliminate magnet training. As a High Energy Physics-funded program, the primary focus is on magnets for accelerators, but the generic approach will develop magnet technologies that can be applied to a large variety of applications across the DOE Office of Science and beyond. |
MICE Collaboration, incl. A. DeMello, S. Gourlay, A. Lambert, D. Li, T. Luo, S. Prestemon, and S. Virostek (LBNL), “Demonstration of cooling by the Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment,” Nature 578 (5 February 2020), pp. 53-9,
See also the companion News and Views article: Robert D. Ryne (LBNL), “Muon colliders come a step closer,”
Technical Reports and Presentations
Lucas Brouwer, Diego Arbelaez (LBNL); Bernhard Auchmann, Lorenzo Bortot (CERN); and Edvard Stubberud (Norwegian University of Science and Technology), “User defined elements in ANSYS for 2D multiphysics modeling of superconducting magnets,” Superconductor Science and Technology (accepted manuscript, online 1 July 2019),
Lucas Brouwer (LBNL); Anthony Huggins (University of Dusseldorf); Weishi Wan (LBNL and ShanghaiTech University), “An achromatic gantry for proton therapy with fixed-field superconducting magnets,” International Journal of Modern Physics A (11 December 2019),
Tengming Shen (LBNL); Ernesto Bosque (National High Magnetic Field Laboratory); Daniel Davis (LBNL and NHMFL); Jianyi Jiang (NHMFL); Marvis White (nGimat LLC); Kai Zhang, Hugh Higley, Marcos Turqueti (LBNL); Yibing Huang, Hanping Miao (Bruker OST LLC); Ulf Trociewitz, Eric Hellstrom (NHMFL); Jeffrey Parrell (Bruker OST LLC); Andrew Hunt (nGimat LLC); Stephen Gourlay, Soren Prestemon (LBNL); David Larbalestier (NHMFL), “Stable, predictable and training-free operation of superconducting Bi-2212 Rutherford cable racetrack coils at the wire current density of 1000 A/mm2,” Nature Scientific Reports 9, 10170 (15 July 2019),
Mauricio Ayllon Unzueta, Will Mixter, Zachary Croft, John Joseph, Bernhard Ludewigt, and Arun Persaud, “Position sensitive alpha detector for an associated particle imaging system,” in refereed Proceedings of CAARI 2018, the 25th International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry (Grapevine, Texas, 12-17 August 2018), AIP Conf. Proc. 2160, 050005 (2019);
Mauricio Ayllon Unzueta, Eoin Brodie (LBNL); Craig Brown (Adelphi Technology, Inc.); Cristina Castanha (LBNL); Charles Gary (Adelphi Technology, Inc.); Caitlin Hicks Pries (Dartmouth College); William Larsen, Bernhard Ludewigt, Andrew Rosenstrom, Arun Persaud (LBNL), “An associated particle imaging system for soil-carbon measurements,” in Proceedings of SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications (San Diego, California, US, 11-15 August 2019), SPIE Proceedings 1114, 1111401 (2019),
In unrefereed Proceedings of the 2019 North American Particle Accelerator Conference, 1-6 September, Lansing, Michigan (prepress version made available by courtesy of Volker R.W. Schaa pending publication on B.R. Gamage (JLab) et al., incl. G.L. Sabbi (LBNL), “Multipole Effects on Dynamic Aperture in JLEIC Ion Collider Ring,” TUPLO15. A. Seryi (JLab) et al., incl. J. Qiang, G.L. Sabbi (LBNL), “The US Electron Ion Collider Accelerator Designs,” MOOHC2. |
S.A. Gourlay, “Superconducting accelerator magnet technology in the 21st century: A new paradigm on the horizon?,” Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 893 (11 June 2018), pp. 124–137,
Xiaorong Wang, Shlomo Caspi, Daniel R Dietderich, William B Ghiorso, Stephen A Gourlay, Hugh C Higley, Andy Lin, Soren O Prestemon, Danko van der Laan, and Jeremy D Weiss, “A viable dipole magnet concept with REBCO CORC wires and further development needs for high-field magnet applications,” Superconductor Science and Technology 31 (6 March 2018), 045007,
Zhang, Kai; Ye, Liyang; Higley, Hugh; Gourlay, Steve; Prestemon, Soren; Shen, Tengming (LBNL); Bosque, Ernesto; Lamar, Charles; Jiang, Jian; Kim, Youngjae; Lu, Jun; Trociewitz, Ulf; Hellstrom, Eric; Larbalestier, David (NHMFL), “Tripled critical current in racetrack coils made of Bi-2212 Rutherford cables with overpressure processing and leakage control,” Superconductor Science and Technology 31, no. 9 (6 September 2018), p. 105009,
A.J. DeMello, D. Arbelaez, D. Bianculli, A.P. Brown, J.N. Corlett, J.R. Dougherty, D.E. Humphries, J.-Y. Jung, M. Leitner, S. Marks, K.A. McCombs, K.L. Ray, D.A. Sadlier, D. Schlueter, E.J. Wallén, “Engineering Optimization of The Support Structure and Drive System for the LCLS-II Soft X-Ray Undulator Segments,” unrefereed Proceedings of 2017 International Particle Accelerator Conference (May 2017), p. 1602).
M. Leitner, D. Arbelaez, A.J. Band, D. Bianculli, A.P. Brown, J.N. Corlett, A.J. DeMello, J.R. Dougherty, L. Garcia Fajardo, K. Hanzel, M. Hoyt, D.E. Humphries, D. Jacobs, C. Joiner, J.-Y. Jung, D. Leitner, S. Marks, K.A. McCombs, D.V. Munson, K.L. Ray, D.A. Sadlier, J.J. Savino, D. Schlueter, E.J. Wallén, V. Waring, A. Zikmund (LBNL); C.J. Andrews, D.E. Bruch, A.L. Callen, G. Janša, S. Jansson, K.R. Lauer, Yu.I. Levashov, D.S. Martinez-Galarce, B.D. McKee, H.-D. Nuhn, Ž. Oven, M. Rowen, Z.R. Wolf (SLAC), “Hard x-ray and soft x-ray undulator segments for the linear coherent light source upgrade (LCLS-II) projects,” unrefereed Proceedings of 2017 International Particle Accelerator Conference (May 2017), p. 1605.
K.L. Ray, D. Arbelaez, A.J. Band, D. Bianculli, A.P. Brown, J.N. Corlett, A.J. DeMello, J.R. Dougherty, L. Garcia Fajardo, K. Hanzel, D.E. Humphries, J.-Y. Jung, D. Leitner, M. Leitner, S. Marks, K.A. McCombs, D.V. Munson, D.A. Sadlier, D. Schlueter, E.J. Wallén, V. Waring, A. Zikmund (LBNL); D.E. Bruch, A.L. Callen, G. Janša, D.S. Martinez-Galarce, H.-D. Nuhn, E. Ortiz, Ž. Oven, M. Rowen, Z.R. Wolf (SLAC), “Development of the manufacturing and QA processes for the magnetic modules of the LCLS-II soft x-ray undulators,” unrefereed Proceedings of 2017 International Particle Accelerator Conference (May 2017), p. 1609.
Tengming Shen, Pei Li (Fermilab), and Liyang Ye, “Heat treatment control of Bi-2212 coils: I. Unravelling the complex dependence of the critical current density of Bi-2212 wires on heat treatment,” Cryogenics 89 (Jan. 2018), pp. 95-101,
Tengming Shen, Liyang Ye, and Hugh Higley, “Strain control of composite superconductors to prevent degradation of superconducting magnets due to a quench: II. High-strength, laminated Ag-sheathed Bi-2223 tapes,” Superconductor Science and Technology 31, 1 (29 Nov. 2017), 015012.
Tengming Shen, Liyang Ye, and Hugh Higley, “Strain control of composite superconductors to prevent degradation of superconducting magnets due to a quench: II. High-strength, laminated Ag-sheathed Bi-2223 tapes,” Superconductor Science and Technology 31, 1 (29 Nov. 2017), 015012.
Xiaorong Wang, Shlomo Caspi, Daniel R Dietderich, William B Ghiorso, Stephen A Gourlay, Hugh C Higley, Andy Lin, Soren O Prestemon, Danko van der Laan, and Jeremy D Weiss, “A viable dipole magnet concept with REBCO CORC wires and further development needs for high-field magnet applications,” Superconductor Science and Technology 31 (6 March 2018), 045007,
Liyang Ye (FNAL, LBNL, and North Carolina State University); Pei Li (FNAL); Jan Jaroszynski (National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Florida State University); Justin Schwartz (North Carolina State University); and Tengming Shen (FNAL and LBNL), “Strain control of composite superconductors to prevent degradation of superconducting magnets due to a quench. I. Ag/Bi2Sr2CaCu2Ox multifilament round wires,” Superconductor Sci. Technol. 30, 2 (1 Dec. 2016),
Luca Bottura (CERN), Stephen A. Gourlay (LBNL), Akira Yamamoto (KEK), and Alexander V. Zobin (FNAL), “Superconducting magnets for particle accelerators,” IEEE Trans. Nuc. Sci. 63, 2 (April 2016), pp. 751-776.
Pappas, C., S. De Santis, J. Jung, T. Luo, C. Steier, C. Swenson, and W. Waldron, “Prototyping of the ALS-U fast kickers,” in unrefereed Proceedings of the 7th International Particle Accelerator Conference (Busan, Korea, 8-13 May 2016), doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2016-THPMW038 (JAC0W, 2016).
Steier, C., W. Waldron, C. Pappas, C. Swenson, S. De Santis, and T. Luo, “Stripline kicker development at ALS,” Advanced Low Emittance Rings Technology (ALERT) Workshop (Trieste, Italy, 14-16 September 2016), (slides only; no Proceedings published).
De Santis, S., K. Baptiste, J. Byrd, S. Kwiatkowski, T. Luo, E. San Mateo, C. Steier, C. Swenson, and F. Marcellini, “Multimodal Interaction in the ALS longitudinal feedback kicker rf cavity,” in unrefereed Proceedings of the 7th International Particle Accelerator Conference (Busan, Korea, 8-13 May 2016), doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2016-WEPOW052 (JAC0W, 2016).
Swenson, C., D. Arbelaez, J. Jung, J. Osborn, S. Prestemon, E. Wallen, R. Schlueter, C. Steier, C. Sun, and D. Robin, “Conceptual design of storage ring magnets for a diffraction limited light source upgrade of ALS, ALS-U,” in unrefereed Proceedings of the 7th International Particle Accelerator Conference (Busan, Korea, 8-13 May 2016), doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2016-TUPMB025 (JAC0W, 2016).
Accelerator Research and Development Subpanel, High Energy Physics Advisory Panel, “Accelerating Discovery: A Strategic Plan for Accelerator R&D in the U.S.,” U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science publication (April 2014). Steve Gourlay of ATAP is among the team of authors; ATAP staff Soren Prestemon, Wim Leemans, John Byrd, and Eric Esarey made presentations to the Subpanel.
H. Bajas (CERN); G. Ambrosio, M. Anerella (FNAL); M. Bajko (CERN); R. Bossert (FNAL); L. Bottura (CERN); S. Caspi, D. Cheng (LBNL); A. Chiuchiolo (CERN); G. Chlachidze (FNAL);, D. Dietderich, H. Felice (FNAL); P. Ferracin, J. Feuvrier (CERN); A. Ghosh (BNL); C. Giloux (CERN); A. Godeke, R. Hafalia, M. Marchevsky (LBNL); E. Ravaioli (CERN and Univ. of Twente); G. Sabbi (LBNL), T. Salmi (Tampere Univ. of Tech.); J. Schmalzle (BNL); E. Todesco (CERN); P. Wanderer (BNL); X. Wang (LBNL); M. Yu (FNAL), “Test Results of the LARP HQ02b Magnet at 1.9 K,” Proc. 2014 Applied Superconductivity Conf. (Charlotte, North Carolina, US, 10-14 Aug. 2014), IEEE Trans. Applied Superconductivity 25, 3 (June 2015) 4003306,
F. Borgnolutti (LBNL); G. Ambrosio, R. Bossert, G. Chlachidze (FNAL); D. Cheng, D. Dietderich, H. Felice, A. Godeke, R. Hafalia, M. Marchevsky, G. Sabbi (LBNL); J. Schmalzle, P. Wanderer (BNL); M. Yu (FNAL), “Fabrication of a Third Generation of Nb3Sn Coils for the LARP HQ03 Quadrupole Magnet,” Proc. 2014 Applied Superconductivity Conf. (Charlotte, North Carolina, US, 10-14 Aug. 2014), IEEE Trans. Applied Superconductivity 25, 3 (June 2015) 4002505,
M. Iio, T. Nakamoto (KEK); Q. Xu (IHEP); N. Higashi, T. Ogitsu, K. Sasaki, A. Terashima, K. Tsuchiya, A. Yamamoto, R. Okada, M. Iida (KEK); A. Kikuchi, T. Takeuchi (NIMS); G. Sabbi (LBNL); A. Zlobin, E. Barzi (FNAL), “Test results of a Nb3Al/Nb3Sn Subscale Magnet for Accelerator Application,” Proc. 2014 Applied Superconductivity Conf. (Charlotte, North Carolina, US, 10-14 Aug. 2014), IEEE Trans. Applied Superconductivity 25, 3 (June 2015) 4003405,
M. Marchevsky, G. Sabbi (LBNL); H. Bajas (CERN); S. Gourlay (LBNL), “Acoustic emission during quench training of superconducting accelerator magnets”, Cryogenics 69 (31 March 2015) pp. 50-57,
M. Marchevsky, R. Hafalia, D. Cheng, S. Prestemon, G, Sabbi (LBNL); H. Bajas (CERN); G. Chlachidze (LBNL), “Axial-field magnetic quench antenna for superconductor accelerator magnets,” Proc. 2014 Applied Superconductivity Conf. (Charlotte, North Carolina, US, 10-14 Aug. 2014), IEEE Trans. Applied Superconductivity 25, 3 (June 2015) 9500605,
E. Ravaioli (CERN and Univ. of Twente); H. Bajas, V. Datskov, V. Desbiolles, J. Feuvrier, G. Kirby (CERN); M. Maciejewski (CERN and Lodz Univ. of Tech.); G. Sabbi (LBNL); H. ten Kate (CERN and Univ. of Twente); A. Verweij (CERN), “Protecting a Full-Scale Nb3Sn Magnet With CLIQ, the New Coupling-Loss-Induced Quench System,” Proc. 2014 Applied Superconductivity Conf. (Charlotte, North Carolina, US, 10-14 Aug. 2014), IEEE Trans. Applied Superconductivity 25, 3 (June 2015) 4001305,
G. Sabbi (LBNL); L. Bottura (CERN); D. Cheng, D. Dietderich (LBNL); P. Ferracin (CERN); A. Godeke, S. Gourlay, M. Marchevsky (LBNL); E. Todesco (CERN); X. Wang (LBNL), “Performance characteristics of Nb3Sn block-coil dipoles for a 100 TeV hadron collider,” Proc. 2014 Applied Superconductivity Conf. (Charlotte, North Carolina, US, 10-14 Aug. 2014), IEEE Trans. Applied Superconductivity 25, 3 (June 2015) 4001407,
C. Steier, A. Anders, D. Arbelaez, J. Byrd, K. Chow, R. Duarte, J. Jung, T. Luo, A. Madur, H. Nishimura, J. Osborn, C. Pappas, L. Reginato, D. Robin, F. Sannibale, S. De Santis, R. Schlueter, C. Sun, C. Swenson, W. Waldron, E. Wallen, and W. Wan, “Progress of the R&D towards a diffraction limited upgrade of the Advanced Light Source,” poster TUPMA001, unrefereed prepress Proceedings of the Sixth International Particle Accelerator Conference (Richmond, Virginia, 3-8 May 2015).
Weishi Wan, Lucas Brouwer, Shlomo Caspi, Soren Prestemon (LBNL); Alexander Gerbershagen and Jacobus Maarten Schippers (PSI); and David Robin (LBNL), “Alternating-gradient canted cosine theta superconducting magnets for future compact proton gantries,” Physical Review Special Topics: Accelerators and Beams 18, 103501 (23 October 2015).
X. Wang (LBNL); G. Ambrosio (FNAL); G. Chlachidze (CERN); E. Collings (Ohio State Univ.); D.R. Dietderich (LBNL); J. DiMarco (FNAL); H. Felice (LBNL); A. Ghosh (BNL); A. Godeke, S. Gourlay, M. Marchevsky, S. Prestemon, G. Sabbi (LBNL); M. Sumption (Ohio State Univ.); G. Velev (FNAL); X. Xu( Ohio State Univ.); A. Zlobin (FNAL), “Validation of Finite-Element Models of Persistent-Current Effects in Nb3Sn Accelerator Magnets,” Proc. 2014 Applied Superconductivity Conf. (Charlotte, North Carolina, US, 10-14 Aug. 2014), IEEE Trans. Applied Superconductivity 25, 3 (June 2015) 4003006,
H. Bajas (CERN) et al., “Cold test results of the LARP HQ02b magnet at 1.9K,” in Proceedings of the 2014 Applied Superconductivity Conference (Charlotte, North Carolina, US, 10-15 August 2014), IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity PP, 99 (preprint, 18 December 2014), 2378375.
W. Barletta (UCLA and MIT); M. Battaglia (corresponding author; UC-Santa Cruz, LBNL, CERN); M. Klute (MIT); M. Mangano (CERN); S. Prestemon (LBNL); L. Rossi and P. Skands (CERN), “Future hadron colliders: from physics perspectives to technology R&D,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 764 (11 November 2014) 352-368.
W.A. Barletta, M. Bai, M. Battaglia, O. Bruning, J. Byrd, R. Ent, J. Flanagan, W. Gai, J. Galambos, G. Hoffstaetter, M. Hogan, M. Klute, S. Nagaitsev, M. Palmer, S. Prestemon (LBNL), T. Roser, L. Rossi, V. Shiltsev, G. Varner, and K. Yokoya, “Chapter 6: Accelerator Capabilities,” in Planning the Future of U.S. Particle Physics (Snowmass, 2013), (January 2014).
F. Borgnolutti, G. Ambrosio, R. Bossert, G. Chlachidze, D.W. Cheng, D.R. Dietderich, H. Felice, A. Godeke, A.R. Hafalia, M. Marchevsky, P.K. Roy, G.L. Sabbi, J. Schmalzle, P. Wanderer, and M. Yu, “Fabrication of a second-generation of Nb3Sn coils for the LARP HQ02 quadrupole magnet,” in Proceedings of MT-23, the 23rd International Conference on Magnet Technology (Boston, Massachusetts, US, 14-19 July 2013), IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 24, 3 (June 2014), 6605499.
F. Borgnolutti, G. Ambrosio, S.I. Bermudez, D. Cheng, D.R. Dietderich, H. Felice, P. Ferracin, G.L. Sabbi, E. Todesco, and M. Yu, “Magnetic design optimization of a 150 mm aperture Nb3Sn low-beta quadrupole for the HiLumi LHC,” in Proceedings of MT-23, the 23rd International Conference on Magnet Technology (Boston, Massachusetts, US, 14-19 July 2013), IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 24, 3 (June 2014), 6587481.
L. Brouwer, D. Arbalaez, S. Caspi, H. Felice, S. Prestemon, and E. Rochepault, “Structural design and analysis of canted “cosine theta” dipoles,” in Proceedings of MT-23, the 23rd International Conference on Magnet Technology (Boston, Massachusetts, US, 14-19 July 2013), IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 24, 3 (June 2014), 6620990.
L. Brouwer, S. Caspi, and S. Prestemon, “Structural analysis of a 18 T hybrid canted-cosine-theta superconducting dipole,” IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity (early access, October 2014).
S. Caspi; Borgnolutti, F.; Brouwer, L.; Cheng, D.; Dietderich, D.R.; Felice, H.; Godeke, A.; Hafalia, R.; Martchevskii, M.; Prestemon, S.; Rochepault, E.; Swenson, C.; and Wang, X., “Canted-cosine–theta magnet (CCT) — a concept for high field accelerator magnets,” in Proceedings of MT-23, the 23rd International Conference on Magnet Technology (Boston, Massachusetts, US, 14-19 July 2013), IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 24, 3 (June 2014), 6621012.
G. Chlachidze, G. Ambrosio, and M. Anerella; F. Borgnolutti (LBNL); R. Bossert; S. Caspi , D.W. Cheng, D. Dietderich, H. Felice, and P. Ferracin (LBNL); A. Ghosh; A. Godeke, A.R. Hafalia, and M. Marchevsky (LBNL); D. Orris; P.K. Roy, G.L. Sabbi, and T. Salmi (LBNL); J. Schmalzle, C. Sylvester, M. Tartaglia, J. Tompkins, P. Wanderer; X.R. Wang (LBNL), and A.V. Zlobin, “Performance of HQ02, an optimized version of the 120 mm Nb3Sn LARP quadrupole,” in Proceedings of MT-23, the 23rd International Conference on Magnet Technology (Boston, Massachusetts, US, 14-19 July 2013), IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 24, 3 (June 2014), 6632901.
J. Cozzolino, M. Anerella, G. Ambrosio, H. Felice (LBNL), P. Ferracin, P. Kovach, G. Sabbi (LBNL), J. Schmalzle, and P. Wanderer, “Design of a 150-mm coil support structure with accelerator integration features for LARP Nb3Sn quadrupole magnets,” in Proceedings of MT-23, the 23rd International Conference on Magnet Technology (Boston, Massachusetts, US, 14-19 July 2013), IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 24, 3 (June 2014), 6662464.
S. de Santis, W. Barry, S. Kwiatkowski, T.H. Luo, G.C. Pappas, L.R. Reginato, D. Robin, C. Steier, C. Sun, H. Tarawneh, and W.L. Waldron, “Injection/extraction kicker for the ALS-U Project,” in unrefereed Proceedings of IPAC ’14, the 5th International Particle Accelerator Conference (Dresden, Germany, 15-20 June 2014), JACoW, contribution WEPRO016, p. 1977.
J. DiMarco, G. Ambrosio, M. Buehler, G. Chlachidze, D. Orris, C. Sylvester, M. Tartaglia, G. Velev, M. Yu, A.V. Zlobin, A. Ghosh, J. Schmalzle, P. Wanderer, F. Borgnolutti, D. Cheng, D. Dietderich, H. Felice, A. Godeke, R. Hafalia, J. Joseph, J. Lizarazo, M. Marchevsky, S.O. Prestemon, G.L. Sabbi, A. Salehi, X. Wang, P. Ferracin, and E. Todesco, “Field Quality Measurements of LARP Nb3Sn Magnet HQ02,” in Proceedings of MT-23, the 23rd International Conference on Magnet Technology (Boston, Massachusetts, US, 14-19 July 2013), IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 24, 3 (June 2014), 4003905,
P. Ferracin, G. Ambrosio, M. Anerella, F. Borgnolutti, R. Bossert, D. Cheng, D.R. Dietderich, H. Felice, A. Ghosh, A. Godeke, S.I. Bermudez, P. Fessia, S. Krave, M. Juchno, J.C. Perez, L. Oberli, G. Sabbi, E. Todesco, and M. Yu, “Magnet design of the 150 mm aperture low-beta quadrupoles for the High Luminosity LHC,” in Proceedings of MT-23, the 23rd International Conference on Magnet Technology (Boston, Massachusetts, US, 14-19 July 2013), IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 24, 3 (June 2014), 66626550.
Green, M., “Cooling and cooling-down MgB2 and HTS magnets using a hydrogen thermal siphon loop and coolers operating from 15 K to 28 K,” in Proceedings of MT-23, the 23rd International Conference on Magnet Technology (Boston, Massachusetts, US, 14-19 July 2013), IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 24, 3 (June 2014), 0501304.
Green, M., Pan, H., Prestemon, S., Strauss, B., & Kashikhin, V., “Unbalanced quenching in a long solenoid with separately powered coils,” IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 24, 3 (June 2014), 4102105; LBNL Report 3OrCB-06.
Green, M., Pan, H., & Preece, R., “Changes made on a 2.7-m long superconducting solenoid magnet cryogenic system that allowed the magnet to be kept cold using 4 K pulse tube cooler,” in Advances in Cryogenic Engineering: Transactions of the Cryogenic Engineering Conference (Anchorage, Alaska, US, 17-21 June 2013), American Institute of Physics Conference Series 1573, 1551 (29 January 2014), 4860891.
A. Hafalia; Caspi, S.; Felice, H.; Brouwer, L.; Prestemon, S.; and Godeke, A., “The structural design for a “canted cosine–theta” superconducting dipole coil and magnet structure — CCT1,” in Proceedings of MT-23, the 23rd International Conference on Magnet Technology (Boston, Massachusetts, US, 14-19 July 2013), IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 24, 3 (June 2014), 6620972.
A. Madur, D. Arbelaez, B. Bailey, A. Biocca, A. Black, P. Casey, C. Chun, D. Colomb, D. Humphries, N. Li, S. Marks, H. Nishimura, C. Pappas, K.V. Petermann, S.O. Prestemon, A.W. Rawlins, D. Robin, T. Scarvie, R. Schlueter, C. Steier, S. Troy, W. Wan, E. Wlliams, Y. Lixin, Q. Zhou, J. Jin, J. Zhang, C. Chen, Y. Wen, and J. Wu, “The installation and commissioning of the Advanced Light Source combined-function harmonic sextupoles for the Low Emittance Upgrade,” in Proceedings of MT-23, the 23rd International Conference on Magnet Technology (Boston, Massachusetts, US, 14-19 July 2013), IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 24, 3 (June 2014), 4100404 (2014).
M. Marchevsky; Caspi, S.; Cheng, D.W.; Dietderich, D.R.; DiMarco, J.; Felice, H.; Ferracin, P.; Godeke, A.; Hafalia, A.R.; Joseph, J.; Lizarazo, J.; Roy, P.K.; Sabbi, G.; Salmi, T.; Turqueti, M.; Wang, X.; and Prestemon, S., “Test of the high-field Nb3Sn dipole magnet HD3b,” in Proceedings of MT-23, the 23rd International Conference on Magnet Technology (Boston, Massachusetts, US, 14-19 July 2013), IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 24, 3 (June 2014), 6634238.
G.C. Pappas, S. De Santis, J.E. Galvin, L.R. Reginato, C. Steier, C. Sun, H. Tarawneh, and W.L. Waldron, “Fast kicker systems for ALS-U,” in unrefereed Proceedings of IPAC ’14, the 5th International Particle Accelerator Conference (Dresden, Germany, 15-20 June 2014), JACoW, contribution MOPME083, p. 564.
G.L. Sabbi et al., “Conceptual design study of the High Luminosity LHC recombination dipole,” in unrefereed Proceedings of IPAC ’14, the 5th International Particle Accelerator Conference (Dresden, Germany, 15-20 June 2014), JACoW, contribution WEPRI094, p. 2712.
E. Rochepault; Arbelaez, D.; Prestemon, S.O.; and Schlueter, R.D., “Error analysis and field correction methods in superconducting undulators ,” in Proceedings of MT-23, the 23rd International Conference on Magnet Technology (Boston, Massachusetts, US, 14-19 July 2013), IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 24, 3 (June 2014), 6626590.
T. Salmi,; Ambrosio, G.; Caspi, S.; Chlachidze, G.; Felice, H.; Marchevsky, M.; Prestemon, S.; and ten Kate, H.H.J., “Protection heater delay time optimization for high-field Nb3Sn accelerator magnets,” in Proceedings of MT-23, the 23rd International Conference on Magnet Technology (Boston, Massachusetts, US, 14-19 July 2013), IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 24, 3 (June 2014), 6651796.
T. Salmi, D. Arbelaez, S. Caspi, H. Felice, M.G.T. Mentink, S. Prestemon, A. Stenvall, and H.H.J. ten Kate, “A novel computer code for modeling quench protection heaters in high-field Nb3Sn accelerator magnets,” IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 24, 4 (August 2014), 6766248.
C. Steier, A. Anders, D. Arbelaez, K. Baptiste, W. Barry, J. Byrd, K. Chow, R. Duarte,
R.W. Falcone, J. Jung, S. Kevan, S. Kwiatkowski, T. Luo, A. Madur, H. Nishimura,
J. Osborn, C. Pappas, L. Reginato, D. Robin, F. Sannibale, S. De Santis, R. Schlueter, C. Sun,
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